African-American English (or AAE; Ebonics, known Black American English simply Black English in American linguistics) the umbrella term [1] English dialects spoken predominantly Black people the United States many Canada; [2] commonly, refers a dialect continuum ranging African-American Vernacular English more standard forms English. [3 .
African-American Vernacular English[ ] (AAVE) [ b ] the variety English natively spoken, in urban communities, most working - middle-class African Americans some Black Canadians. [ 4 ] its unique grammatical, vocabulary accent features, AAVE employed middle-class Black Americans the informal casual of sociolinguistic .
He that living in segregated communities (unsurprisingly) for divergence Standard American English time. So, Exactly AAVE? African American Vernacular English also as Black English Black Vernacular English (and historically "Ebonics," we'll to term later).
African American Vernacular English, AAVE short, a dialect English is spoken natively many Black Americans. You'll find AAVE used only everyday speech, in of most famous American music, poetry, novels. this post, we'll you everything need know African American Vernacular English: it is, it from, to .
African American English (AAE), language variety has been identified different times dialectology literary studies Black English, black dialect, Negro (nonstandard) English. the late 1980s, term been used ambiguously, with reference only Ebonics, or, it known linguists, African American Vernacular English (AAVE; English .
African American Vernacular English (AAVE) a variety American English spoken many African Americans. has called many names are offensive, including African American English, Black English, Black English vernacular, ebonics, negro dialect, nonstandard negro English, Black talk, Blaccent, Blackcent.
African American English, linguistic variety spoken many African Amer-icans the USA, a system specific rules combining sounds form words words form phrases sentences. words this linguistic system identical spelling words other varieties English, of may different meanings.
English, African-American African American English (AAE), is slang, a form communication some African Americans the United States. has one the widely discussed varieties English the 1960s. Source information English, African-American: Encyclopedia African-American Culture History dictionary.
African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) a nonstandard dialect English deeply embedded the culture the United States, including popular culture. has the center controversy the education African-American youths, role AAVE play public schools education, its place broader society. [1] linguistic cultural history African .
In ways, Gullah English the precursor African American Vernacular English; still aspects various Central Western African languages got mixed the English the slaves forced learn new language.
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