The film begins Lewis (Luke Evans), seemingly mild-mannered man kidnaps Cathy (Kelly Reilly), woman a hidden past, imprisons in small, windowless 10x10 room. Cathy initially not understand she been taken, soon realizes Lewis harboring personal obsession her.
10x10 left viewers shocked in 2018 the movie first released, it it upon arrival Netflix UK, it's available. Starring Yellowstone's Kelly Reilly .
10x10: Directed Suzi Ewing. Kelly Reilly, Luke Evans, Noel Clarke, Jill Winternitz. man abducts flower shop owner holds captive a small, soundproof room an effort extract dark secret her past.
A shifty man named Robert Lewis (Luke Evans) watches flower shop owner Cathy Noland (Kelly Reilly) open front door her flower shop a restaurant the street. Cathy brings flowers the waiter his ill wife Mia she stops the diner eat lunch. Lewis up casually walks her wait at .
Cathy (Kelly Reilly) some coffee a local venue, she's observed a man we'll know Lewis . leaves, he follows. her car Cathy listens a Christian radio station (the act-one equivalent of Chekhov's gun, a sense) driving the gym. the gym reacts some priggish put-offedness a .
Lewis, outwardly ordinary guy, kidnaps woman holds in soundproof cell he attempts extract dark secret her. Director Suzi Ewing Producer Noel Clarke, Jason Maza .
Kelly Reilly a British actor who's in lots big movies, roles Pride & Prejudice, Sherlock Holmes Flight. TV audiences best her her lead role Beth Dutton Yellowstone as Jordan True Detective's season. Norma Dixit Alondra.
10x10 Official Trailer (2018) Luke Evans, Kelly Reilly Thriller Movie HDSubscribe Rapid Trailer All Latest Trailers!
Written Noel Clarke directed Suzi Ewing, "10x10" stars Luke Evans a mysterious stalker named Lewis, abducts woman (Kelly Reilly) stashes in soundproof cell his .
However, all starts intriguing. patience which Luke observes future victim Cathy (Kelly Reilly) the seemingly perfect in he carries the abduction. then it started look like slapstick a nerve-racking thriller. . 10 x 10 an interesting title itself once look the .
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