Yogi Adityanath been the news being chosen the Chief Minister Uttar Pradesh. a lot criticisms well congratulatory tweets being expressed the CM, Twitter also flooded jokes memes his striking resemblance Hollywood actor Vin Diesel.
However, with him, name started trending - Vin Diesel. Yogi Adityanath, Bharatiya Janata Party's firebrand MP Gorakhpur, named Chief Minister-designate Uttar .
The striking resemblance Yogi Adityanath Hollywood actor, Vin Diesel! deadline/prs. Indians finally Vin Diesel trending themselves Tweeple bombarded social media jokes. Check out. #1. #AbkiBaarYogiSarkaar RT You Support #Yogi4CM FAV/Like You Don't.
Yogi Adityanth responds connection him Vin diesel . Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath he hasn't watched movie 25 years, dont .
Twitter flooded memes Yogi Adityanath the Hollywood actor Vin Diesel the CM bears uncanny resemblance the actor. Twitterati that Yogi Adityanath a doppelganger Vin Diesel if look closely, can't agree more!
Yogi Adityanath's anointment UP CM set a flurry jokes Twitter(PTI) spotted "uncanny resemblance" the saffron-clad yogi Hollywood's action star Vin Diesel.
Many shared Vin Diesel's pictures congratulate Yogi Adityanath, leaving in splits. Twitter user shared picture Diesel Deepika Padukone their film, XXX: Return .
By measure, @yogi_adityanath far & the popular mass leader BJP UP. will hottest story next months. — Rahul Kanwal (@rahulkanwal) March 18, 2017
In of major turn events the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced Gorakhpur MP Yogi Adityanath the Chief minister Uttar Pradesh, Twitterati its way look the .
Minutes Yogi Adityanath named BJP's chief minister Uttar Pradesh, Twitter flooded posts memes comparing Vin Diesel. you even
yogi adityanath VS Vin Diesel #facts #shorts #trendingshorts - YouTube
Yogi Adityanath Named UP CM, Twitter Has Only Vin Diesel In Mind
Twitter Has A Field Day Comparing Yogi Adityanath To Vin Diesel & The
Yogi Adityanath New Cm Of Up People Congratulate To Vin Diesel On
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Yogi Adityanath as Vin Diesel - YouTube
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Vin Adityanath or Yogi Diesel? Twitter memes 'congratulate' UP's new CM
yogi adityanath VS Vin Diesel #facts #shorts #trendingshorts - YouTube
Yogi Adityanth responds on connection between him and Vin diesel
vin diesel Vs Yogi Ji - YouTube